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Lesbians Banned Host Better Prom In Parking Lot

Lesbians Banned Host Better Prom In Parking Lot - > Lesbians banned from prom host better prom in parking lot , lesbian couple barred from prom, When same-sex couple Hope Decker and Tiffany Wright were banned from attending their prom at Lexington Catholic High School, they decided that, since they were already dressed to party, they’d create their own event. Armed with several car stereos and a group of supportive friends, the teens hosted their own prom in the school parking lot, complete with a table stacked with snacks.

After the night’s final song under the stars, 108 students signed a letter to the administration criticizing its decision to turn the girls away. “I understand, but I don’t agree with it,” letter-writer Suzie Napier said. “I definitely think this prom will be much more memorable than any prom the school hosted.” lesbian couple barred from prom,

Source: http://todaynewsgazette.com/lesbians-banned-host-better-prom-in-parking-lot/

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