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Weekend Wedding

Had a fabulous time at the wedding on Saturday. It was really nice to see everyone, just a shame I was (and am still) in so much pain from the event. Sitting for a couple of hours eating the meal got too much for me (I'm not very good with hard, upright chairs) and I had to retreat to the more comfortable seats for a while.
My haircut the night before happened...and went extremely well. It's much, much shorter than it was and I put pin-curls in overnight and brushed through with my fingers the next day and I had exactly what I wanted. Voluminous curls and cutesy bob.

I forgot to take photos of my shoes (after all the deliberation), so quickly snapped them this morning. It was in my mind to wear the lemon Lady Dragons, but they just looked too summery. Many pairs I tried looked too heavy with the dress, so that really narrowed down my choices. I didn't actually decide until the very last minute which pair I was going to wear. I can't believe I have 200 pairs of shoes, a black outfit and still couldn't find the perfect pair of shoes to match! It just goes to prove, you really can't ever have too many shoes. So here's the shoes (I added some clip-on earrings to the front as I felt they needed that extra something-they look a little off centre here, but they were perfect on the day). I was towering above everyone as they have a huge platform front and a 5" heel. Anyway, I may be a little absent from posting this week, it just depends how much I can do without feeling too much pain (I also have the dentist on Thursday-root work-yay-not!). Hope you all had a good weekend.

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