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Rusty walkaways

With my attention mostly focused on the Ork fleet these days, I've found a way of slipping away from that tiny madness and still make some decent progress on my big scenery project.
I've shown some buildings from Bandua earlier, both The Sparklin' Pulsar and Mama Balaklava's. I recently got some more scenery from them. Their sci-fi ranges are beautiful and provide that industrial generic looking every project is needing :P.

Painted in the same way that the bridges, I got this industrial pack:
The 'art' of airbrushing with no airbrush

As the pack is multi-component, you can set a different number of configurations, just by removing the railing. Here you can see the scale:
OK, son, what are we doin' up here?
On the board they look like this:

Still have to find a function, but hey, it's cool
I also got this partially closed walkaway:
Should I add a roof?
Damn, this city has a lot of ways of gettin' lost.
Again, still have to decide what to do exactly with that, most probably I'll use it as an elevated connection between buildings... but I still have to build them!

Anyway, these were quite a quick work, just to keep me on the wire. Let's see how I finish the Ork ships and then I'll try to focus again (or not. Maybe I just get involved myself on new shenanigans, you know me...)

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