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Fight Night 4: Mike is finally in the Game!

I've been waiting for this a long time. FN4 with Mike Tyson. Finally they got Mike in the game. I thought they were gonna add him in the Knockout King series they had a while back but they never did. Sure Mike was in other games but this is Fight Night they had to add him sooner or later. FN4 is really different from the Fight Night games. They have new punching mechanics that make the boxing match more realistic. The blood and sweat look authentic just like in the real match. The boxers can physically touch each other without meshing into one another. Another thing that's changed are the combos. The combos flow so much better. Gone are those easy haymakers. You can't just stand there charging up haymakers anymore. The game really keeps you honest. It's hard to manipulate the game always to your advantage. FN4 has a point system where you gain points every round depending on how well you play. The better you play the more points you earn. Those points earned goes towards the healing of your character, restoration of stamina, and easing swelling and cuts. The career mode keeps you on the straight and narrow too. It's progressive meaning the better you fight the tougher the matches will be. You also get to decide when you want to fight. You schedule your own matches. It's definitely a step up from FN3. The hardest part of the game is getting up from being knocked down. It's a whole new system now. I don't know whether if it's hard or I'm making it harder than it is. Other than that its still a game worth playing. Here's a clip of the game in action:

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