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What I got for Christmas 2017 & first impressions!

led selfie case for the iphone

I know that I'm quite late with this post but I thought some people might still be interested - I 'm nosy and love seeing what people receive for birthdays/Christmas! I was lucky enough to receive lots of gorgeous gifts but I haven't used everything yet because I was quite ill over Christmas and then got pneumonia at New Year so I definitely wasn't up for wearing makeup and I'm only just starting to feel back to myself! I know that not everyone likes these posts so feel free to skip and come back in a few days! Personally, I love them & I don't see them as bragging. I received lots of really lovely gifts and, as always, my favourites were the homemade cards from my nephews and nieces - there is nothing sweeter or more appreciated than those! Also, remember that I have a big family so I both give and receive a lot of gifts!

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